Olympia news and developments
Innovador Centro de Prevención, Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en el Sport Center de Olympia
Para cuidar la salud antes de que la enfermedad aparezca y llevar el bienestar y el fortalecimiento cardiaco a los pacientes con y sin enfermedad cardiovascular15/09/2022Olympia dispone de un servicio de radiología con la tecnología más sofisticada y con protocolos innovadores
Un equipo asistencial de diagnóstico y tratamiento por la imagen permite ofrecer un servicio de calidad y profesionalidad14/09/2022Olympia Quirónsalud acoge a prestigiosos expertos en fisioterapia deportiva
Su objetivo principal es garantizar una correcta recuperación, optimizando los plazos con las técnicas más novedosas12/09/2022Sports traumatology specialists join Olympia’s Sport Center
The teams of doctors Manuel Leyes and José Tabuenca will work together to make Olympia a leading centre in Traumatology and Sports Medicine9/7/2022CIGNA Health Insurance Company provides complete medical care at Olympia Medical Center
The health insurance company CIGNA has been providing full medical care for its policyholders at Olympia Quirónsalud’s Medical Center9/5/2022Dr Miguel Fernández Tapia-Ruano joins Olympia as Head of Medical Checkups
At the Lyfestyle Center, a space for personalised and precision medicine.8/3/2022Olympia upgrades its services to include a Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit
To offer the most advanced procedures in facial, breast and body surgery7/26/2022Multidisciplinary, holistic patient care that detects the potential risks of developing a disease
Preventive Care, Longevity and Holistic Medicine Unit7/20/2022Men’s Health, a unit for treating and preventing specific male pathologies, now open
Lifestyle Center takes a holistic approach to men’s health, offering support in different life stages in the most optimal way possible7/19/2022Women’s Health, Olympia’s exclusive gynaecology service
A comprehensive new concept of woman-centred health for all life stages. Both for healthy women and for women with pathologies7/19/2022Rest Management Unit at Olympia
Olympia has innovative programmes to prevent the onset of pathologies that hinder good rest, caring for health and wellness with optimal, restful sleep.7/11/2022The healthcare company ADESLAS joins the Medical Center
ADESLAS Health Insurance joins the Medical Center, providing medical coverage in a wide range of specialities7/8/2022Experts in Advanced Dermocosmetics and Anti-Ageing join Olympia’s Lifestyle Space
A team of dermatologists, doctors and surgeons offer a comprehensive service specialising in skin diseases.7/6/2022Sport Center, the new concept of exercise and sport for body improvement and functional training
A space for exercise and sport where specialists study physical conditions in order to ensure healthy, controlled exercise and sport for professionals and amateurs alike.7/6/2022Medical Center, Olympia’s outpatient medical-surgical center
An outpatient medical-surgical center offering medical and surgical specialities to diagnose and treat acute and chronic pathologies7/6/2022Lifestyle Center, personalised, precision lifestyle medicine
Made up of highly qualified, nationally and internationally renowned professionals, Lifestyle is a medical center focused on preventive care, longevity and chronic treatment for patients based on an ...7/6/2022