Men’s Health, a unit for treating and preventing specific male pathologies, now open
Made up of prestigious urologists, such as Doctors François Peinado, Fernando Teba del Pino, Juan Carlos Duarte and José Antonio Herranz, who specialise in treating and preventing specific male pathologies. Part of Olympia’s Lifestyle Center.
Lifestyle Center takes a holistic approach to men’s health, offering support in different life stages in the most optimal way possible. Services are available for both healthy men (e.g. preventive care and hormonal optimisation, sexuality and intimate aesthetics), and for men showing possible symptoms, including cancer patients, in which case they will count on a range of treatments to ensure optimum health.
All through a multidisciplinary team, using the most advanced medical-surgical techniques available.
All services at Olympia are interconnected in order to prescribe the best personalised treatment, such as the Nutrition service to optimise body composition, Cardiology, and the Rest Management Unit, without forgetting physical exercise assessed and prescribed by our Sports Medicine physicians and the physiotherapy and personal training team.