Luis Abreu
Dr. Luis Abreu
Olympia Medical-Surgical Center
La Luz
La Luz
General Information
- Head of the Digestive System Service, Puerta de Hierro Clinic.
- Medical Coordinator of the Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Puerta de Hierro Clinic.
Degree- Doctor and Surgeon, Faculty of Sevilla (1972).
- Bachelor’s Degree, Autonomous University of Madrid, qualification Outstanding.
- Cum Laude PhD in Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid.
- Specialist via M.I.R. exam in Digestive System at the Puerta de Hierro Clinic, Autonomous University of Madrid.
- Specialist Doctor Degree in Digestive System.
- Specialist Doctor Degree in Internal Medicine.
Research and teaching
- Regular postgraduate teaching work for Digestive System residents and rotations in other specialities.
- Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid, Director of several courses on his speciality in different Universities.
Editor of several books in his speciality and author of multiple chapters in different works, he has published more than 200 original articles in national and international journals.